世界的な困難の中、CEO of US LacrosseのSteve Stenersenさんより日本のラクロス関係者の皆様へ心強いメッセージを頂戴しました。
Hello…I’m Steve Stenersen CEO of US Lacrosse, the sport’s national governing body in the United States, and Vice President of World Lacrosse, the sport’s international federation. I’d like to extend best wishes to my friends within the Japan Lacrosse Association, as well as the many athletes in Japan who are considering lacrosse as a new sport.
日本ラクロス協会メンバーの皆様、そしてラクロスに興味を感じておられる多くのアスリートの皆様にご挨拶申し上げます。私はスティーブ・ステナソンです。現在米国のラクロスを統合する団体であるUS LacrosseのCEO、そして世界のラクロスを統合するWorld Lacrosseの副会長の職を担っております。
National lacrosse participation in the United States has tripled in the last 20 years to more than 850,000 players at the youth, high school, college and professional levels. The global expansion of the sport has increased significantly, as well, to more than 66 lacrosse-playing nations on 6 continents. In 2018, World Lacrosse gained provisional recognition from the International Olympic Committee, and we envision the sport being added to the Olympic Games in the years to come.
米国でのラクロスはこの20年間で、ユース、高校、大学、プロの各グループの合計が85万人を超えました。また、世界に目を向けますと今では六大陸のすべて、実に66か国でラクロスがプレーされております。2018年、World Lacrosseは国際オリンピック委員会よりオリンピックスポーツとしての准認定を受けました。よって、ラクロスがオリンピック種目に加えられるのも遠い話では無くなりました。
The Japan Lacrosse Association was formed just over 30 years ago with a goalof expanding and strengthening the spirit of friendship between nations through lacrosse. In that time, the popularity of the sport has surged in your county thanks to the commitment of strong leaders and passionate players. It’s been my great pleasure to watch Japan become one of the strongest lacrosse playing nations in the world.
The global pandemic has been a tragic interruption to our lives, and my heart goes out to the international lacrosse community during such a challenging time. The suspension of lacrosse and other sports has been a relatively small but meaningful loss to those who love the joy of athletic competition and camaraderie.
But lacrosse will soon return along with the many other activities and passions in our lives. And when it does, I encourage young men and women in Japan to consider our fast-moving, action-packed team sport and contact the
Japan Lacrosse Association for more information. Rooted in Native American religion as a gift from the Creator centuries ago, lacrosse has evolved to represent the best of all sports, and I know you will love it.
Steve Stenersen
CEO of US Lacrosse

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