2017年9月23日 全米ラクロス殿堂受賞式@米国メリーランド州
左から JLA鷹羽国際部スタッフ 、ジマーマンコーチ、JLA高坂前理事長
世界的な困難の中、元Johns Hopkins Lacrosse Head Coach (前UMBC Head Coach)で日本ラクロスの礎を築いた名コーチのDon Zimmermanさんより日本のラクロス関係者の皆様へ心強いメッセージを頂戴しました。
※Don Zimmermanさんは、1987年に初来日し、日本のラクロスの創設と普及・強化に多大な貢献をしてくださった、米NCAA1部優勝3回の実績もある名指導者・教育者です。そして、”Keep the fire burning”は、ジマーマンさんが日本の初期の学生達に言い続けてくれた言葉なのです。
The COVID 19 virus has taken a heavy toll on our world in many areas, one of which is organized team sports. With the current Social Distancing policies in place, team activities have been suspended until this pandemic is safely under control. During these challenging times, it is important for individuals to strive to maintain as much of their “normal” lives as safety permits for their own benefit as well as the good of society as a whole.
新型コロナウイルスは、多くの地域で様々な分野に多大な被害をもたらしており、そのひとつはチームスポーツです。現在のソーシャル・ディスタンス・ポリシーのもと、新型コロナウイルスによるパンデミックが安全に収束されるまでチーム活動は中断されております。このような困難な時期には、自分と社会全体の利益のため、安全が許す範囲で 一人一人が「普段通り」の生活を維持する努力をすることが重要です。
“Lacrosse Makes Friends”
In June 1987, The Japan Lacrosse Association was founded. Initially “Volunteerism” “Amateurism” and “International Friendship” were the three main principles that were emphasized. How fitting is this message today when the whole world must come together to combat the deadly COVID 19 scourge.
These ideals have remained steadfast over the past 33 years thanks to the dedicated efforts of the many men and women who have tirelessly worked together towards this common goal. Now, this next generation must step up and carry the torch!
※1主体的能動的に行動するという意味 ※学生スポーツそのものに報酬は無いという意味
It is vital for the ongoing development of lacrosse in Japan to have new generations of young people get involved. Only in this way will our great game continue to flourish. Lacrosse is a tremendous sport as it combines individual skills with team concepts. Those who play lacrosse love the game, understanding the beauty and enjoyment it brings to its participants. Simply put, lacrosse is a lot of fun to play!!
Keep the fire burning! Get involved and be a part of something special! Make new friends while enjoying the “fastest game on two feet”. Learn life lessons on the lacrosse field that you will carry with you for the rest of your life. The rewards gained are endless!
燎原の火のように広がったラクロスの炎を絶やさないでください! 何らかの活動に参加し、この特別な世界の一部になりましょう!「地上最速の格闘球技」を楽しみながら新たな友人を作りあなたの人生に役立つ多くの教訓を学ぶことができます。得られるものは無限大です!
Let me end by wishing everyone continued good health! Take care of yourselves and one another. Find “strength in numbers” as we all work together for a common goal.
Yours in lacrosse,
Coach Don Zimmerman

日本ラクロス協会広報部 LACROSSE MAGAZINE編集部